Marinos Glitsos Branding
Luthier branding and label design work
Music has always been an important aspect in my life. I grew up playing viola and continued playing in orchestras and other ensembles. Through these experiences I have met many talented and wonderful people. Recently one of my old musical acquaintances, Marinos Glitsos, contacted me and was interested in having me design some labels for his Luthier business.
Overjoyed at the prospect, I jumped at the opportunity to connect my design work with my musical roots. I got to work creating the brand identity and working forward from there. I couldn’t have asked for a more brilliant and wonderful friend to work for. Marinos is an extremely talented Luthier with a great eye for design leading to a very rewarding collaborative experience.
This particular design process had 5 phases, each phase with deliverables for the client. The process starts with researching my client and their competition, looking up design inspiration and ideas. Analyzing and synthesizing this information through brainstorming word cloud sessions. Next I take out my pencil and paper and go to town. As I go through sketching iterations, I flesh out the logo mark, core shapes, and any complementary imagery. The initial digital development begins after at least 5 initial directions are chosen. Multiple digital logo drafts with color and typography are then presented to the client and revised accordingly. Next the logo is finalized. I then start the sketching and ideation of the instrument labels based off of brand identity. Digital direction of labels are then presented to the client for feedback and revised accordingly and the final label version is chosen and finalized. All finished digital files are then sent to the client.